Tractor threads with Microspicules or 3D threads
A revolutionary treatment with immediate results against flaccidity and loss of facial contour. Facial Tractor Threads with Microspicules are a new non-surgical aesthetic medical treatment that is based on the insertion of mini polydioxanone (PDO) threads into the subcutaneous cell tissue to exert a traction effect against facial tissue sagging.
These threads, which are bioresorbable, form a network that acts as a support for the tissues, causing elevation of the face and greater jaw definition. With this process, the skin reacts by producing a collagen fiber wrap around the threads and this translates into a continuous and long-lasting facial lifting effect.
This treatment does not require hospitalization and only requires local topical anesthesia, that is, it is practically painless, relatively simple, fast (it lasts between 15 and 30 minutes) and allows immediate return to daily life.
Using small needles, mini polydioxanone threads are implanted into the skin, which produce the pulling effect that prevents the sagging of facial tissues and stimulates the generation of a collagen fiber that causes an immediate and lasting lifting effect on the face. The results are immediate, but it is after 2-3 months when the greatest result is achieved. The threads are reabsorbed in 6-8 months, during which time their continuous presence stimulates collagen and elastin, which makes their effect last over time, even after the threads have disappeared.
Se requiere diagnóstico médico, es prácticamente indoloro, no necesita recuperación, el paciente puede reincorporarse inmediatamente a la vida cotidiana e incluso puede maquillarse. Puede provocar ligeros hematomas, inflamaciones y dolor ocasional durante los primeros días, la duración del tratamiento dependerá del paciente, la duración de la sesión serán entre 15-30 minutos, a la hora del tratamiento sentirás una ligera tensión ocasionada por los hilos, tiene unos resultados Inmediatos con resultados progresivos en tres semanas. El resultado final de efecto se alcanza al cabo de 2-3 meses. Se puede repetir el procedimiento hasta conseguir el efecto deseado y pueden realizarse retoques en cualquier momento.
– Evitar exposición solar y usar protección.
– Evitar tratamientos en los que se aplique calor.
– Mujeres embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia.
– Personas con infecciones cutáneas activas en la zona a tratar.
– Pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes activas, diabetes severa no controlada y enfermedades cardiovasculares agudas.